
During the work of our outpatient department, a large experience has been accumulated in monitoring cardiac patients.

The patients with various cardiovascular diseases can find an individual treatment: therapy for the stable coronary artery disease, hypertension, complex rhythm disturbances, heart failure, including those caused by anticancer therapy.

Consultations are carried out by highly qualified doctors & Phd. There is continuity in the management of patients who underwent inpatient treatment in our complex or who are planning to be hospitalized for intervention. Patients with implanted devices have the opportunity to monitor them on an outpatient basis with the appropriate specialists.

The department uses a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to providing highly qualified modern cardiological care, we pay great attention to comorbidities, and if necessary, involve such specialists as neurologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, pulmonologist. This comprehensive approach usually significantly improves disease diagnosis, patient management, treatment outcomes and the quality of medical care.

Our department services allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and carry out effective treatment even in the most difficult cases, so medical institutions from all regions of the Russian Federation often refer patients to us.

On an outpatient basis, the following types of diagnostics are available:

  • ECG,
  • echocardiography,
  • Treadmill,
  • stress echocardiography,
  • Holter ECG monitoring,
  • daily monitoring of blood pressure,
  • sonography of brachiocephalic arteries, renal arteries, arteries and veins of the lower extremities,
  • sonography of the abdominal and thyroid organs,
  • volumetric sphygmography and applanation tonometry,
  • chest x-ray,
  • densitometry,
  • spirometry,
  • endoscopy,
  • computed tomography, including  with contrast agent
  • magnetic resonance imaging, including with contrast agent
  • scintigraphy
  • coronary angiography.

Plus to it our patients can participate in international and local scientific research. As part of the outpatient clinic, there is a scientific department, which specialists also available for consultations.

At the initial consultation with a cardiologist there will be a careful analysis of the patient's complaints, data from previous examinations, anamnesis, and an objective status. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a complex of outpatient studies to clarify the diagnosis.

The patient receives the official paper with a preliminary diagnosis, treatment recommendations and examination plan. According to emergency indications, patients with acute coronary syndrome are hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Scientific Medical Research Center of Cardiology. At the second consultation, the patient is given a detailed report, which indicates the data of the outpatient examination, the final diagnosis, as well as recommendations for drug therapy, optimization of lifestyle and nutrition. If there are indications for planned hospitalization in the hospital, documents are submitted to the hospitalization commission. We are open from 9am to 7pm (Mon-Fri), Saturday from 9am to 4pm, Sunday is a day off.

Call center phone numbers: 8-495-150-44-19 and 8-800-707- 44-19 (toll free).