
Emergency Cardiac Care Department

Head of Emergency Cardiac Care Department, MD
Staroverov Igor Ivanovich

The research interests of the Department include the analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of third-generation thrombolytics, antiarrhythmic drugs, new antithrombotic agents (platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor blockers, direct thrombin inhibitors). The present studies are aimed at the factors affecting the mechanisms of incidence (occurrence), clinical course, and prognostication of ACS, including genetic markers, markers of inflammation and myocardial damage. The Department develops the methods for the In vivo Detection of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque in the coronary arteries as well as the approaches to their drug “passivation”, provide a prospective trial to study the effect of dapagliflozin in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation with and without diabetes mellitus 2 type.

Our medical team in collaboration with the Angiography Department implements the coronary angioplasty with stent placement in patients with ACS, in the cases of the left main coronary artery disease and mechanical left atrial appendage isolation in patients with atrial fibrillation, who cannot receive prophylactic anticoagulants, and perform transcatheter post-myocardial infarction ventricular septal defects closure.

Department employees are actively involved in international studies of the efficacy and safety of new drugs; in training young specialists in Acute Cardiac Care in the framework of specialized courses, traditionally held for many years at the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex; in organizing scientific and educational schools and seminars regularly held in various regions of Russia; in the creation of national guidelines and recommendations on ACS and other topical areas of cardiology.

Our Specialists:

  • Igor Ivanovich Staroverov - Head of Department, MD.
  • Sophia Valerievna Oganesjan - head of department
  • Roman Mikhailovich Shakhnovich - leading researcher, MD.
  • Irina Nikolaevna Merkulova - leading researcher, MD.
  • Natalya Semenovna Zhukova - Senior Researcher, Ph.D (candidate of medical sciences)
  • Tatyana Sergeevna Sukhinina - Researcher, Ph.D. (candidate of medical sciences)
  • Dmitry Volfovich Pevzner - Head of the Intensive Care Unit of the Emergency Cardiology Department, Ph.D. (candidate of medical sciences)
  • Natalia Alexandrovna Barysheva - Junior Researcher, Ph.D. (candidate of medical sciences)
  • Nino Gurielovna Kukava - cardiologist, Ph.D.
  • Maria Leonidovna Staroverova– cardiologist